Bullying: Not a Kid’s Issue

Bullying: Not a Kid’s Issue

     Adults often view bullying as something kids do, or a part of being a kid.  However, in recent years, the reports of bullying and bullying related suicides has risen.   For many children, bullying has a detrimental effect on the way they view themselves, and can cause serious damage to their self- esteem.  Parents and teachers can miss the signs of bullying and a child may suffer in silence.  The statistics on bullying and suicide is alarming.  Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people.  A study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying.  In this technological age, children are more susceptible to being bullied.  Phones, computers, and social media have made bullying much easier for offenders.  According to statistics reported by ABC news, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims of bullying. 

     Due to the rise in bullying and the effects that it has on children, more and more school districts are taking this issue seriously.  Students who commit the act of bullying can face suspension or expulsion.  Adults must become more sensitive to this issue and become proactive in preventing bullying and potentially saving the lives of children.


Source:  bullystatistics.org